Let me start by saying I very much enjoy and believe in the companies I represent. There will always be slow times, but on the other hand there will be amazing times! I want people to understand what it means to be in Direct Sales. I hear so many people say "oh I can just order online" or "do I have to order through you?" That is fine but I want to explain why we consultants or what ever you want to call us make our small commission when you order from us. If you order or buy from me or on my site I can help you!! Say something is wrong or did not ship as fast as you would like I am there. Most companies right this minute are so swamped and growing so fast that you may not get an answer for a week. Why let yourself get upset when I can deal with it for you. That my friends is why there are consultants in all of these companies. It is called a personal touch! I know you can go to a big chain store and buy what you think is a comparable product. Will that cashier be there for you later? Can you call up the huge companies when a product was not exactly what you expected? The answer to those is NO. I am here for my customers! If I cannot help you out I am sure I can find you an answer fast and easy. That is what we are all here for, that is why we love direct sales! We get to get out and have fun while sharing a product we believe in with you!
I love my customers!! With all that being said ! Let one of us help you get started on your Holiday Shopping early!! Great hostess gifts all around you!!
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